Adoption Application First and Last Name * Email * Address(include street name and number, city and province) * Contact Number * Are you 18 years of age or older? *YesNo Do you rent your home? *YesNo If yes, please ensure pets are allowed and provide your landlord's name and telephone number What are your reasons for wanting to adopt? * List ALL members of your household and their ages * Do any of the members of your household have allergies or fears towards animals? If yes, please explain * Who will be the primary caregiver/trainer of the animal(s)? * List your current animal(s) (including gender, age and vaccine status) and current veterinary clinic * Please list your experience / knowledge in caring for animals * Do you have access to a car at all times? *YesNo Have you had any behaviour training for dogs? i.e. clicker training, kennel training, properly socializing dogs? If yes, please explain * I acknowledge the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am 18 years of age or older. *YesNo Submit